Flargent is unique in that it manufactures, sells, and rents its own equipment, such as separators, desanders, and flares, manufactured under industry standards, which can be used in all types of facilities. We are very flexible regarding the terms of operation, scope and provision to meet project requirements.
Available equipment:
- Horizontal three-phase separator 36” x 10’ – 1440 psi @ 120 °F
- Choke manifold 3 1/16” x 10.000 Psi
- Plate and cyclonic desanders 1440, 2200, 5000 and 10,000 psi
- Mobile flare systems 500,000 SCMD
- Confined area mobile flare systems 250,000 SCMD
- Flare electric pilots
- Sand boxes
- Storage pools 70 m3
- Centrifugal pumps 60 m3/h @ 10 HP
- API 6A SSV safety valves 3 1/16” 10,000 psi
- Electric ignition systems for fire pits
- Pup joints 3” fig. 206/602/1502 std threads
We provide rental well testing equipment and offer well testing equipment services as a contracted service. The equipment is made available after being certified.
Strict safety procedures are followed, and all on-site assembled equipment is traceable, and field tested prior to each operation.
In addition to supplying process equipment, Flargent has a business unit that provides services to major oil companies. Well testing is one of the most important services provided.
We provide rental well testing equipment and offer well testing equipment services as a contracted service. We currently have equipment available at our base Cipolletti, Río Negro Province.
Well testing can take from one week up to one year. The duration of a test depends on customer specifications and can be performed on conventional and non-conventional wells.
We are currently working in the Neuquén basin; however, we can also provide services in other productive basins in Argentina.
well testing
During the first months of operation, non-conventional wells require solids-retention equipment to prevent the sand entrained by hydrocarbons from damaging downstream facilities.
Flargent offers a well cleanup service that protects downstream surface equipment. This usually includes choke manifolds, desanders, temporary accommodation facilities and trained personnel.
Flargent provides its own service operatives, all of whom are highly qualified and specialized in this type of multidisciplinary projects. The contribution of the operators who participate in these projects must be highlighted, for they comply with strict safety and quality protocols, and are flexible to varying operating conditions.
Flargent supports the development of unconventional energy resources.
Flargent offers FPDO (frac plug drill out) services, which consists in assisting coiled tubing (CT) fracture and well control operations. All return flow equipment is rated at 10,000 and 15,000 psi working pressure.
The service includes basic infrastructure; that is, temporary accommodation facilities for the personnel and location safety. At the wellhead, an SSV valve, a desander with its blowdown and a choke manifold operated from a command center are generally available for assistance during the fracturing stages.
When the plug drill-out stage is reached, additional equipment needs to be installed, the well needs to be cleaned out, coiled tubing cleaned and the well flowed before entering production.
In addition to designing integral technological solutions, Flargent offers consulting and engineering services, not only for their products, but also regarding oil field development, the conceptualization of hydrocarbon treating facilities, equipment specification to aid purchasing, and all kinds of requirements from the oil and gas sector.
To this end, Flargent uses internationally renowned specialized software.
Flargent develops conceptual engineering, basic engineering, extended basic engineering, detailed engineering, technical specifications, and cost estimates under strict international standards, client specifications and its own technical know-how and expertise.
Thus, in addition to the design of comprehensive technological solutions, Flargent provides services that satisfy a wide range of needs related to the oil and gas sector, such as consulting and engineering services aimed at field development, the conceptualization of hydrocarbon treating facilities, equipment specification to aid purchasing and advice regarding the preparation of bidding documents and contracts.
Flargent offers consulting and engineering services related to equipment venting and pressure relief systems, ranging from conceptual, basic, and extended basic engineering, cost analysis and the issuing of documentation for the purchase of equipment. These services include the analysis of venting contingencies, establishing flare design inputs based on process conditions, plant design and equipment layout; complete design of the venting system, including collectors, branch-collectors, KO drum design, gas or liquid seals; assessment of security elements, such as valves and rupture discs; selection of flare height and position based on the plant layout, taking into account radiation, noise and dispersion; assessment of the positioning of existing flares and control rooms, field accommodations and neighboring towns or settlements; setting specifications for the purchase of equipment, including security systems that reduce flow venting (HIPPS or similar); and the assessment and analysis of the need to burn cool vapors (storage tanks, vent stacks, etc.), among others. These services include onshore and offshore venting systems.
Flargent offers consulting services for process heaters in service or for projected installations.
Backed by more than 30 years of experience, this service entails technical advice in accordance with international standards (API 560, API 530, API 535, etc.).
In addition, this includes integrity analysis under different standards, equipment design, operational problems diagnosis and solutions, changes in heating efficiency due to changes in the properties of fluids, improvements to existing equipment and readjustment to the new operating conditions.
Flargent offers conceptual and basic engineering for surface installations for the treatment of natural gas, crude oil and water. Regarding natural gas treatment, engineering includes the expansion or revamping of existing plants, installation of sour gas sweetening plants (removal of CO2 and H2S), the adjustment of the dew point by Joule-Thomson effect or by mechanical refrigeration, gas dehydration and hydrate inhibition (water removal), triethylene glycol (TEG) modules, monoethylene glycol (MEG) modules, and condensate stabilizer columns.
Crude treatment includes the design and engineering work related to primary separation units, PTC (crude treatment plant) and EPFs (early production facilities), storage tank batteries and pumping stations, and crude oil dehydrators and desalters. With regard to water treatment surface facilities, Flargent manufactures flotation units, free water knockout (FWKO) units, gravity granular media filtration units and walnut shell filters, among others.
Flargent cuenta con una sólida experiencia en la identificación del reactivo más adecuado para la remoción del sulfuro de hidrógeno presente en corrientes gaseosas, con baja pérdida de carga, con mayor o menor carga de principio activo por unidad de masa, con catalizadores incorporados, etc., y siempre considera el diseño básico del sistema de reactores (dimensiones, pérdida de carga, entre otros) y las necesidades de cada cliente.
The extensive know-how after years of experience and of representing world-class companies specialized in removing H2S from natural gas, gasoline, LPG and CO2 vent streams guarantees a dynamic and precise technical response. This experience extends to offshore facilities.
Flargent has an after-sales service department that aims at ensuring customer satisfaction, jointly evaluating r the product and service offering, and establishing opportunities for continuous improvement.
To optimize equipment operation and promote energy savings, Flargent determines the combustion efficiency of furnaces and heaters using state-of-the-art instruments.
The calibration of burners and combustion systems is essential for a correct equipment operation. Flargent provides an optimal calibration service to ensure efficient fuel-air mixture, thus avoiding the generation of environment damaging pollutants.
Flargent offers training courses to provide operators with the necessary knowledge to ensure proper handling of the equipment. The training is delivered both in theory and in the field and promotes a thorough knowledge of the most frequent operational problems.
Flargent has trained personnel to perform assistance tasks during plant shutdown, plant commissioning and plant start-up, following a rigorous methodology that avoids errors in the steps leading up to the commissioning of new equipment or units.
Flargent has well testing and production separators, heaters, pumping equipment, storage tanks and flares to set up an EPF (Early Production Facility) for liquid hydrocarbon production fields. This is a temporary solution that allows the well to be put into production while the final facilities are being built.
Service may include the operation and maintenance of the facilities, or only the rental of the equipment to be operated by the client.
We are currently working in the Neuquén basin; however, we can also provide services in other productive basins in Argentina.
Somos un grupo de profesionales del área del Oil&Gas con 20 años de experiencia en la industria, que nos especializamos en la actividad que conlleva la utilización de drones para darle material más preciso, en menor tiempo, a un menor costo y con mayor seguridad a los sectores especificos del Oil&Gas.
Servicio especializado de drones
Nuestra especialización apunta tanto para inspecciones de obras, inspecciones térmicas a distancias de sitios inaccesibles, inspecciones de Plantas Fotovoltaicas. fotogrametrias, planialtimetrias, calculo volumétrico y modelado 3D de instalaciones.
Equipo: Conozca nuestros recursos de más valor.
Somos un equipo de 3 pilotos Clase C. con licencias aeronáuticas otorgadas por la ANAC (Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil), con nuestros respectivos certificados CMA (Certificación Médica Aeronáutica) otorgados por la misma entidad. Nuestro protocolo de trabajo se rige bajo la reglamentación RAAC (Regulaciones Argentinas de Aviación Civil)
Contamos con los respectivos seguros de nuestras aeronaves, como el registro obligatorio de las mismas ante la ANAC. De mismo modo con los seguros y ART de nuestros pilotos.